LENS International in Malaysia and Singapore

By John and Ann Epps

LENS International is a consulting and training company specializing in the Technology of Participation (ToP™) and working with companies to help them get participation, insights and a sense of ownership from their staff while promoting a sense of meaning at work.
For the past 4-5 years, LENS has offered ToP training through the Civil Service College of Singapore. In keeping with Singapore’s desire for a high quality public service, the college has offered ToP courses 5-6 times a year to members of its Civil Service from agencies like the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Home affairs. Two courses were also offered to the Subordinate Courts, and now there are some judges in Singapore who’ve had training in ToP!

LENS customizes ToP methods and training for multiple purposes with a variety of companies in the publishing, energy and not-for-profit sectors of Malaysia and Singapore.
At LENS, we continue to push for approaches that explore the depth of experiences and present these often at conferences of the International Association of Facilitators in Asia, Europe and North America. These events are occasions to share cutting edge methods and to learn from each other

LENS is also an active member of the ToP Network in the USA. That network has been active in exploring and experimenting with methods of virtual facilitation, and conducts many of its meetings with participants who are scattered around the world. John led a virtual study of the Social and Corporate Process Triangles with that group. Ann actively participates in the Creativity task force of the ToP Network exploring new ways to enhance group innovation.
LENS also actively participates in and offers programs for the Colorado Facilitator Exchange.

Ann Epps serves as an assessor for facilitators seeking their CPF certification through the IAF. She is also active in mentoring and certifying ToP facilitators in Singapore.

John Epps teaches on-line graduate business courses through the University of Maryland, and finds that students are delighted to use the Social Process Triangles as a tool for analysis. He is also editing Volume Two of Bending History, Selected Talks of Joseph W. Mathews. This volume focuses on human development approaches and methods leading towards a New Social Vehicle. It should go to press in early September and be available now.

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