ToP program for the physically challenged

By Isabel de la Maza

ICA –Chile worked with ICA Guatemala during August 6 to 11 to support an Action Plan for a Colombian project to protect forests on the Corredor Chocó-Darien. The facilitators in this process were: Joaquina Rodríguez (ICA-Guatemala), Lisseth Lorenzo (associate to ICA-Guatemala) and Isabel de la Maza (ICA-Chile).

During this first semester, ICA-Chile supported the restructuring of ICA-Guatemala.

ICA-Chile has finished the ToP Program for physically challenged youngsters at Puerto Montt, Chile.

It will hold 16 ToP courses in September, October and November this year for Community Councils for the Physically

Challenged in various parts of Chile, through a system of Social Scholarships supported by the National Service of Training and Employment (Servicio de Capacitación y Empleo) and SOFOFA ( Sociedad de Fomento Fabril), a national network of entrepreneurs.

We have done a phone survey to find out how the beneficiaries of the Emergency Projects sponsored by Japan last year are doing. We have continued support work at Tubul, a village devastated by the earthquake and tsunami on February 27, 2010,

Isabel de la Maza is a member of ICA Chile

through Proyecto Viento Fuerte (Strong Wind Project). We have also offered ToP Methods
training to people working in communities at Arauco, which also suffered from the catastrophe in 2010.

ICA-Chile is now systematizing its experience with physically challenged youngsters through our PELPs.

Participants of Pto Montt course
Kids from Sapzurro (Choco – Darien, Colombia ICA Guatemala team (Joaquina and Lisseth)

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